We're excited to invite the College & Employer community together again to the 2019 KACE Annual Conference. Come join us for great presentations on best practices, in employer/college engagement and career services. Hosted at the beautiful Kauffman Foundation Conference Center, this year's event is sure to be one of our best ever.
Book your room at Hampton Inn & Suites today! Call (816) 448-4600 and reference the KACE conference. Rooms $128.00 a night and must be booked before November 12th.
*The hotel rate is closed*
We are no longer accepting breakout proposals.
Nominate a colleague for a KACE award.
Become an event sponsor!
***Notice: Members must be logged into the website to register as a member to get the member discount.
Registration fees (early registration through October 31st):
College member: $150
Employer member: $150
Graduate student: $60
Non-member: $200
***Conference fees increase $50 per person starting November 1st.
Registration is now closed.
Wednesday, December 4th
1:00pm-2:00pm, Tour #1, Hallmark | 2501 McGee, Kansas City, MO 64141
2:30pm-3:30pm, Tour #2, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City | 1 Memorial Drive, Kansas City, MO
5:30pm, Dinner on Your Own, Chuy's Mexican Restaurant | 209 W. 46th Terrace, Kansas City, MO
7:30pm-9:00pm, Plaza Lights Trolley Tour (as space allows)
Thursday, December 5th
8:00am-9:00am, Registration/Check-in
8:00am-9:00am, Breakfast
8:50am-9:00am, Welcome from KACE President
9:00am-10:15am, Keynote: Lauren Pyle, Clinical Social Worker, Children's Mercy-Kansas City
Lauren will discuss Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism, along with how individuals experience these symptoms as children and young adults and the resulting impacts on daily functioning both in their personal and work lives. This will include statistics on the disorders and anticipated obstacles faced by people with these disorders. This discussion will provide “tips and tricks” on how co-workers, supervisors, educational administrators and family can support individuals with ADHD and Autism.
10:30am-11:20am, Breakout Session #1
A. The Occupation Situation- E
Becky King- Spruce Staffing LLC
B. Personal Development in the Career Services Center- C & E
Jennifer Roe- WSU Tech
C. Career Communities Model: The What, Why, and How – C & E
Kim Beeler & Natalia Plotnikov- University of Kansas
D. Sneak Peak: Strategies for Discovering Work Place Culture - C
Andrew Kohls- Kansas State University
11:30am-1:00pm, KACE Awards & Business Meeting
1:15pm-2:30pm, Diversity in Leadership Panel
2:45pm-3:35pm, Breakout Session #2
A. Small Market Internships = Big Wins – C & E (Panel Presentation)
Anne Van Zee- AVZ and Associates, LLC
B. Meeting Students Where They Are: An On-Campus Interview Revolution?- C & E
Dana Nordyke- Washburn University
C. When People Hear My Name What Do They Think? Branding 101- C & E
Anne DeLuca- Kansas State University
D. Student Employees- How to Train, Retain, and Succeed Students Workers in a Career Services Office - C
Alex Gandy and Shakira Rhoads- Missouri Southern State University
3:50pm- 4:40pm, Breakout Session #3
A. Driving Passion Down a Productive Path- C & E
Jennifer Roe- WSU Tech
B. Collecting and Analyzing Data- C & E
Rebecca Gould- Kansas State University College of Business
C. Career Decision-Making: Improving Career Capital for Students of Color and First Generation College Students- C & E
Mako Miller- Kauffman Scholars
D. Career Services on the Prowl - C
Karen McCullough and Nicole Dinkel-Fort Hays State University
5:30pm-7:00pm, Dinner & Networking at the Donor’s Lounge, Kansas City Repertory Theatre, catered by Brancato’s | 4949 Cherry Street, Kansas City, MO 64110
7pm, Evening Entertainment: “A Christmas Carol,” with the Kansas City Repertory Theatre: https://kcrep.org/show/a-christmas-carol-2019
Friday, December 6th
8:45am-9:30am, Breakfast
9:30am- 10:20am, Breakout Session #4
A. Value of a Career Course- C & E
Wendy Pfeifer- Kansas State University College of Business
B. Managing Multiple Generations: Providing Multiple Pathways to Integrated Workplace Success- C & E
Katie Lord- Proof Positioning
C. The Importance of Character and Personality Traits in Hiring – C
Steve Pugh- American Century Investments
D. Performance Enhancing Career Fair – C
Steve Rottinghaus- University of Kansas School of Journalism and Mass Communications
10:30am-12:00pm, Keynote: Alana Mueller, Author and Founder of "Coffee, Lunch, Coffee"
During this highly interactive session, participants will receive a brief overview of the Coffee Lunch Coffee Networking platform and learn 11 tips for making networking events more productive and meaningful. Attendees will also engage in a group exercise and table conversations based on a discussion guide that will be provided. Participants will leave feeling more confident in their ability to make networking events more efficient, effective, and fun.