KACE is proud to offer $600 for the current KACE president to attend a regional or national ACE conference (NACE, MwACE, SoAce). This scholarship serves to provide KACE leadership with broader regional perspective, assist the leadership with further professional growth, and enhance KACE by a providing insight to be shared with the KACE membership. The scholarship recipient agrees to share his or her experience with the KACE membership via the subsequent KACE meeting or conference and/or submit an article for the KACE newsletter regarding his or her experience at the conference attended. Deadline: May 15th of each year
***Scholarship must be used for a conference that occurs before the next scholarship application deadline in May of each year.
KACE is proud to offer $400 to assist a current KACE member in attending a career development conference of his/her choosing. This scholarship serves to assist the membership with further professional growth and enhance KACE by a providing regional perspective to be shared with the KACE membership. The scholarship recipient agrees to submit an article for the KACE newsletter within four (4) months after the conference that reports and reflects on a session or new “best practice” that was introduced at the conference attended.
Deadline: June 15th of each year
***Scholarship must be used for a conference that occurs before the next scholarship application deadline in May of each year.
A scholarship of one free KACE Annual Conference Registration and one year of KACE membership is offered to a potential new member of KACE. This is offered to build professional development in the area of Career Development or Services and/or Employer Recruiting for an individual in one of the following positions:
Deadline: October 15th of each year
To apply for one of these scholarships, complete this form.