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A Historical Perspective Of KACE

The Kansas Association of Colleges and Employers (KACE) has a long and important history in the providing of placement and career development services to students and alumni of Kansas colleges and universities. According to a Kansas Career Development and Placement Association (KCDPA) brochure from 1986, the association began in 1947. While that brochure indicates that the original name was Kansas Teacher Placement Officers, with that name continuing through 1979, many "old timers" believe that the organization for many years was known as the Kansas Association of Teacher Placement Officers (KATPO).

An old file provided in 1990 by Rick Johnson of Bethany College produced some information that is new to most of us. The file includes minutes of the College Teachers Placement Officer's (CTPO) meetings of 1941, 1943-1944. Some names shown in the minutes of 1941 were Emil O. Deere, Bethany; Marie Tielman and Adrian Tielman, Ottawa; Lula McPherson, Pittsburg; Cecil E. Smith, Pratt Jr. College; J.W. Twento, KU; Wm. J. Williams, Baker; F. H. Sheel, Kansas Teachers' Placement Service; Lois I. Stebbins and L. B. Sipple, Wichita U.; J. Poundstone, Southwestern; A. J. Regier, Bethel; P. E. Schellenberg, Bethel; R. F. Markham, Washburn; Ray E. Maul, Emporia Teachers; Estelle Daugherty, Sterling; A. H. King, Kansas Wesleyan; John E. Jacobs, Prin. Jr. Hi., Lawrence; Maude McMindes and Ethel Artman, Hays.

While minutes have not been located for 1940 and before, documents indicate that a different name was used at that time for the group; it was the Kansas Association of College and University Teacher Placement Bureaus (KACUTPB). (Wow! Perhaps the acronym was pronounced Kaw-Cut Pub.")

The file also includes a 1937 letter from Emil O. Deere, Dean, College of Liberal Arts, presumed to be of Bethany to Willam Moneypeny, Director, Placement Services at Southwestern College. It indicated that a fee of $2 was charged to all students who enrolled in the Placement Bureau. An additional $3 was charged when the candidate accepted employment.

During the early 1940's meetings were held in very late January or early February. The 1941 meeting was held in the Leon Hotel in Hutchinson. A major issue at that meeting was "standardization of credentials." Another topic was supply-demand of teachers; among those cooperating with that issue was the "Unemployment Compensation Division" of the State Labor Department.

Also, at the 1940 Dr. Maul was selected as the delegate to the National Institutional Teacher Placement Association, (NITPA). NITPA is now the American Association for Employment in Education (AAEE).

In 1943, the organization, known then as the College Teacher Placement Organization, (CTPO) met in Emporia at the Coffee Shop of the Teachers College. A major concern was the shortage of teachers in the fields of commerce, industrial arts, math and science. The 1944 minutes listed estimated salary ranges in Kansas as follows:

  • Elementary Teachers $1300-1500
  • Elementary Principals (women) $1350-1800
  • Elementary Principals (men) $1800-2400
  • High School Women (except in special fields) $1600-2000
  • Women in Commerce, Music, Math, Science $1600-2000
  • High School Men $1800-2700
  • Supt. & Principal (Third Class Town) $2200-3000
  • Superintendent (Second Class Town) $2800-3500

One thousand vacancies existed after school began in 1943; one thousand teachers were expected to be available for the Fall, 1944, resulting in a predicted shortfall of 2,000 teachers.

Kansas Association of Teacher Placement Offices, as it was later known, served to facilitate communication among those individuals who served as teacher placement officers in Kansas colleges and universities. Occasionaly, colleagues from Nebraska, Missouri and/or Oklahoma attended meetings, as did other Kansa placement personnel whose responsibilities did not include teacher placement.

A KATPO brochure from 1966 said the organization "strives to improve the standards and the techniques of teacher placement." The brochure mentioned employer visits, vacancy reporting and the Kansas Act Against Discrimination (1961). The latter caused many offices to go through individual files and cover such once "important" information as eye color, church preference and race.

KATPO took great pride in moving the annual meetings from campus to campus throughout the state. The 1968 meeting was at the University of Kansas where there was discussion on "What the new minimum $6500 salary for beginning teachers means for KATPO?" That was about the only year that the topic was prominent in Kansas. Our friend, Dr. Daryl E. Berry, from the Kansas State Teachers Association (KSTA), and David Adams, a student at Washburn University and President of Student KSTA, led that discussion.

At the 1968 meeting the group also heard from Dr. Melvin E. Neely, Executive Secretary of KSTA and discussed Computerizing Placement; remember this was 1968. The discussion leaders were James Akin, Kansas State; Herold Regier, University of Kansas; Milford Messer, Fort Hays State; and Boyd King, Emporia State. Secretaries attended the meetings of KATPO in those years and many attended the 1968 meeting.

Our friend, the late L.L. "Bob" Tracy, frequently had to depart from Pittsburg at approximately 4:00 a.m. to arrive for the one day meetings. He never wanted anyone else to be required to start so early, but in 1969, the meeting was held at Bob Tracy's Pittsburg State University. Later meetings ran from noon of one day until noon of the next day to avoid the danger of long, long days on the highways.

In the early days of KATPO the dues were $1.00, it isn't known if that was institutional or individual. At one of the meetings in the 1960's some "upstart" pushed through a major piece of budgetary legislation which raised the dues by a "whopping 300%", from one to three dollars. Inflation hit again, at another meeting in Pittsburg, and the dues went to $6 in 1979 as the organization expanded its scope and became the Kansas Career Development and Placement Association (KCDPA).

Many placement officers who did not serve in teacher placement regularly attended KATPO meetings and the organization was broadened in 1979. The newly-oriented former teacher placement organization had a non-teacher placement president the first year when David Kraus, Kansas State, was elected to lead KCDPA. The issue of services to liberal arts was an important one for the "new" organization and the first by-laws included a specific reference to assistance for liberal arts students.

Dues collection in KATPO was a low cost operation during early years; usually someone would would stand nead the head of the lunch line and each person would hand the "treasurer" a one dollar bill. If an institution/individual failed to attend a meeting and not pay the dues they were still listed as a member. In1967, it was decided that dues payment would become more business-like. When Secretary-Treasurer Jim Akin attempted to identify the fiscal year for the organization, he found that it had never been specified. Dues were arbitrarily billed that year for the December 1 through November 30 year. At the next meeting, the fiscal year was set as November 1 through October 31 and continues on that basis.

The annual expenditures for KATPO in 1963-64 totaled $96.38 including $73.74 for 41 lunches of conference participants which just passed through the treasurer. The treasurer's balance was $179.51. By October 1966, the balance had dropped to $57.43 when KATPO met at Marymount College in Salina that year.

In early KATPO years, members benefitted from several organizational services; these included office publicity through brochures and Membership Directory cards which were sent to school districts. Also for an additional charge, the "Guide to Kansas Schools and Communities" was provided to each member. The "Guide" was prepared at the University of Kansas by Herold Regier and Loda Newcomb and other staff members; it provided information such as size, recreation, housing, ect. It was a useful publication for placement offices and was sometimes desired by various libraries. For a time the "Guide" idea was copied by colleagues in Nebraska and enough copies were made so that all placement officers in both states received "Guides" for both states. Due to growing costs and competition with commercial directories, the publication was discontinued in 1982.

By 1970, considerable discussion was underway relative to the feasibility of starting a regional teacher placement association. Also, at the KATPO meeting of that year in Manhattan, Dr. Warren McClain, new Executive Secretary of the Association for School, College and University taffing (ASCUS), pointed out the advantages of regionalization and using many ASCUS services through a regional association.

Also at the 1970 meeting, Dr. Chester Peters, Vice President at Kansas State, welcomed the group to Kansas State University. Chet is a former placement director at KSU, former member of KATPO and former Presidemt of the College Placement Council, now the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE). He described placement services as a "frustration reducer" and as a "vision promoter."

Also at the 1970 meeting, the luncheon speaker, Carter Burns, Kansas City USD 500, called for placement personnel who would stay in their jobs long enough to be of help to students. He said that placement officers should be trained administrators with counseling experience. Following lunch, Dan Roberts, District Manager for Sony Television, demonstrated uses of television and tape players in the placement office, such as in interview instruction.

This meeting was billed as a regional meeting, thus it included a number of participants from the State of Nebraska as well from Kansas. Still thinking regionally, the 1971 meeting was in Lincoln, Nebraska in conjunction with the Kansas-Nebraska meetings (non-teaching). The Nebraska placement group held an additional state meeting that year while none was held in Kansas. Dues remained at $3.

A summer placement meeting was held at Marymount College, Salina, in 1974. It included an extensive program and was a three-day conference, July 29-31. Among topics were Affirmative Action, new laws and, yes, confidentiality - Buckley (Family Education and Privacy Act) had arrived. Dr. Robert Gourley, President of Ascus, also addressed the group. Another "favorie" topic, the agressive tactics of the State Employment Office and its activities, was discussed.

In 1977, the group met at Newman College in Wichita. It, too, was a multiple day meeting. Virginia Musgrave gave a repot on ASCUS. Vernon Geissler reported on the Vocational Education Act and Bruce Laughlin spoke on certification of placement officers. Also, after a lively discussion a committee was formed to "research the possibilities ...... of forming a Kansas Association of Placement Officers organization..."

An organizational meeting-"Kansas Placement Association?" was held on April 16, 1979. This was followed by official action at the fall meeting in Pittsburg naming the organization the Kansas Career Development and Placement Association. There was $19.85 in the treasury. The dues were raised from $6 to $10 in 1982 at the annual meeting at Friend University.

At the 1981 meeting, a report was made on the new state-wide teacher job fairs which were held in Topeka and Hutchinson. The next year the job fairs were combined at Salina; that one year it was combined with another attempt at regionalization. The job fair continued at Salina for several years before being moved to Wichita and before being discontinued in 1988. Also in 1981, KCDPA endorsed Jim Akin's Kansas Teacher Supply-Demand Report which was mailed to all members. This was patterned after the ASCUS Supply-Demand Report which was also done at K-State.

By 1982, a number of community colleges were members of KCDPA. In addition, a few Oklahoma Colleagues visited meetings; the by-laws were changed to allow them to become members. A motion was passed to charge non-members more for services including that for conference registration.

Also in 1982, the organization was probing for economic and prospective employer information. Jamie Swartz, Executive Director of the Kansas Economic Development Office, spoke at the 1982 meeting. Gary Sherrer, Sr. Vice President, Marketing of the Fourth National Bank, also challenged the group to a higher level of innovation. Virginia Musgrave, Chair of the Business/Industry Supply-Demand Committee, reported on the early efforts of that committee. Plans for a state-wide survey of business and industry were made.

In 1985, KCDPA hosted a SWPA workshop which led to other such workshops in successive years; topics included careers development, accountability and computer literacy.

During the mid-1980's, committees worked hard to promote the teacher job fair with and without meetings associated with the fairs. One of the special features of the job fair was a pre-conference dinner with time for informal conversations among the placement and recruitment personnel. When multiple day meetings were held, this opportunity for socialization prior to the formal schedule created significant interactions among members and guest administrators.

In 1986 the policy was made to invite and encourage former members to attend annual meetings and a new emeritus membership was created. The intent was to retain or regain the expertise of retired (former) members in the organization.

In 1987, an events flyer was published by KCDPA to promote the state-wide teacher job fair and the eventual job fairs on member campuses. Despite concerted efforts to maintain the job fair, it was terminated in 1988.

The 1988 meeting was held in Salina; the thrust was partnership with industry. Speakers from industry and the Kansas Department of Commerce challenged the group to help sell Kansas. A stronger Kansas economy means more choices for Kansas graduates. The decision was made to involve employers in the 1989 meeting as a step in consideration of working toward an organization of both placement and employer representatives.

Many issues have been handled more professionally because of the services of KATPO/KCDPA. Through the years many issues such as the following were discussed and improved because of this organization:

  • Helping employers better use placement services
  • Credentials and confidentiality
  • Kansas Act Against Discrimination
  • Kansas Job Service Activities
  • Third Party Recruiters
  • Teacher Supply-Demand
  • Fees and related ethics
  • "Closed" interview schedules
  • Kansas economy and job opportunities

The Kansas Career Development and Placement Association (KCDPA) remains an important and growing organization in the field of career development and placement. It provides mant opportunities to prepare professionals to do their jobs and have a stronger professional impact on their students and alumni and on the State if Kansas, in general.

The forty-third annual conference met in Wichita on November 2-3, 1989. At that meeting a landmark decision was made which opened membership to employers and vocational technical schools. By the following March when the membership directory was published by Larry Hannah (Emporia State University) thirteen employer and eight vocational technical school members were listed. Jody Booth, Olathe Unified Schools and Quintin Combs, Northeast Kansas Area Vo-Tech School in Atchison, were the first tnew members from their respective groups to join the expanded organization. The directory included 79 members.

KCDPA met in Topeka on November 1 & 2, 1990. Procedures were put in place to change the association name to better represent the employer element of its membership. Jim Akin (KSU) & John Deams (Southwestern Bell) were asked to poll members concerning a suggested name; a straw poll and a run-off were used to recommend to the board the name of Kansas Association of Career Services and Employment (KACSE). As of Fall, 1991, if the recommended name is accepted by the board, it is not clear whether the general acceptance of the acronym will be pronounced as Casey, Cases, or in some other way.

In January, 1991, KCDPA co-sponsored with Kansas State, the reception of a satellite workshop on the use (ormisuse) of grades as a selection criterion for employment.

On November 7-8, 1991, the annual meeting of the Kansas Association of Career Services and Employment (KACSE) was held at Lindsborg, Kansas. It was decided at the Business Meeting that the acronym for the association should be pronounced "kay-see". Julie Cunningham, the University of Kansas, presided over the meeting and Rick Johnson, Bethany College, was elected President for the following year. It was decided the 1992 meeting would be held in Manhattan and the 1993 meeting would be held in Lawrence.

In December, 1991, KACSE lost a true friend and supporter when Wayne Carlisle, Wichita State University, passed away. Wayne had been a member of the organization for a number of years and was highly respected by all of his colleagues.

On April 15, 1992, KACSE co-sponsored with Pratt Community College at the Pratt campus, a spring workshop for career professionals. There were approximately 20 people in attendance and the program information was very good.

Jerry Jeffries, Love Country Stores, joined the Board of Directors in April, 1992 as the Employer Relations Representative. He replaced John Deems, Southwestern Bell, who retired from the profession.

The 1992 annual meeting was held in Manhattan on November 5-6. Rick Johnson, Bethany College, presided over the meeting and Cherrie Finch, Ottawa University, was elected President for 1993. It was decided a spring meeting would be held in Wichita with the main program topic being cooperative education. The 1994 site for the Annual Conference was determined to be in Hesston. Also, the decision was made that appropriate dress for future conferences would be casual attire. Since the Southwest Placement Association meeting was scheduled for Overland Park in May, 1994, KACSE planned to be a part of that conference.

At the May, 1993 meeting of the Board of Directors, Rob Southern, Bank IV, reported that a logo had been chosen for KACSE. The logo chosen will appear on all KACSE publications and will be used on all stationary and envelopes.

The 1993 Annual Conference was held November 4-5, 1993 at the Holiday Inn in Lawrence, KS. Fifty-two attended the jungle-themed “Bear Necessities” conference. The conference schedule included words and phrases that cleverly connected with the theme – and the Thursday evening dinner was held at the Natural History Museum amidst the exhibits. Participants will recall forever the ride on the KU “Birdie Bus” to and from the evening of dining and entertainment.

Cherrie Finch (Ottawa University) presided and Dan Rice (Fort Hays State University) served as MC for the welcome program which included skits by members of the various KACSE committees. Keynote speakers included: Mark Naster – Director of Customer Affairs – who spoke on “Yenta Management: An old concept with a new twist” & Jackie McClain, Director of HR at KU, who addressed ADA issues related to interviewing and selection of employees. Concurrent sessions focused on topics such as: Alternative Careers for Teachers, What employers look for, Innovative Job Development, and Alumni Programs/ Resources. The conference also included traditional Round Table Discussions.

On Friday, November 5, 1993 the Annual Business Meeting and luncheon took place. It was called to order by President, Cherrie Finch. A balance of $5,772.67 had been forwarded from FY 1992. The balance to be forwarded to FY 1994 was expected to be $6,786.16. Cherrie raised the issue of increasing dues, which were still at $10 per year; but no action was taken. Membership was another topic of concern. One member suggested the need to have one central person to serve as a main point of contact for prospective and new members. It was also suggested that all teacher interview days at member schools be coordinated through KACSE so as to avoid conflicts for school districts. As the meeting closed, Cherrie Finch passed the gavel to the new KACSE President, Tracey Fraser (K-State)

Navigating the Information Superhighway” was the theme of the 1994 KACSE conference held in Hesston, KS November 3-4, 1994. Accommodations were available at the Heritage Inn, but Hesston College was the meeting site. As the theme implies, our focus in 1994 was on use of new technology in career services and recruitment. Steve Head (U. of Wisconsin – Madison) was our keynote speaker. While Steve’s experience was primarily with “Project Connect” a program he designed to facilitate communication between candidates and school districts, Steve also responded to the general issue of connecting institutions of higher education to employers. About 40 participants enjoyed delicious meals including a lunch at relaxing Cross Wind Conference Center and a wonderful dinner with student entertainment at Hesston College’s Bontrager Student Center. The Annual Business Meeting took place on November 4, 1994. Due to the absence of President. Tracey Fraser, the meeting was called to order by President-Elect, Tom Hedges. Jim Akin (K-State) voiced concern about new and potential members. The membership issue focused primarily on the recruitment and retention of new employer representatives. Toni Herzog raised the issue of making Co-Operative Education an official standing committee of KACSE since each state was to have a co-op organization. After some discussion, the committee was approved as the Experiential Education Committee instead. Star Gipson moved to create an ad hoc Technology Committee. The motion was seconded and passed. Jim Akin offered that K-State would provide a door prize to the person who brought in the most new members between then and April 1, 1995.

Officers selected for 1994-1995 were: President: Tom Hedges, Salina USD 305; President-Elect: Larry Hannah, Emporia State U.; Secretary: Sheila Pedigo, Saint Mary College; Treasurer: John Kimbrel, Geary County USD 475; Employer Relations: Amy Shoemaker, Railroad Savings Bank; College Relations: Elisa Wagoner, Baker University.

Hutchinson Community College and the Ramada Inn in Hutchinson, KS were the sites of the 1995 KACSE Conference. The participant list reflected that 56 members attended the November 2-3, 1995 conference entitled “The Career Web of the Twenty-first Century.” Membership was still a bargain at $10, and the conference fee was an additional $65. Our speakers included: Dr. Ralph Brigham (Montana State University – Bozeman) who spoke on “Making the Most of the World Wide Web for Career Centers, Students and Employers”; Mike Heuring (University of Kansas) who gave us a preview of KACSE’s new Internet home page, its uses, directions and possible applications within KACSE; and Twana Combs (INROADS-Kansas City), who focused on “Strategies for Success in Serving & Recruiting Minority Students.”

Participants enjoyed their Thursday evening meal at Tomassi’s Italian Restaurant followed by visit to the Kansas Cosmosphere and Space Center. The Center included a Museum, Planetarium, and Omnimax Theater with its 44 foot tilted, wrap-around dome and six-channel stereo system.

Friday’s Annual Business Meeting was called to order by President, Tom Hedges. At that meeting the decision was made to hold the 1997 conference in the Overland Park, KS area on November 6 & 7. The location was suggested in view of its proximity to Kansas City and the interest of KACSE to recruit a larger number of employer members from that metropolitan area. Mike Heuring reported on the Technology Committee and the fact that the KACSE listserve went on-line in January 1995. Members were encouraged to use this new means to share and request information from membership in a cost-effective and efficient way. President Tom Hedges handed an empty bottle of Tylenol along with the presidential responsibilities to Larry Hannah (Emporia State University).

Charting Your Course” was the theme of the 1996 Conference held November 6-8 at the Holiday Inn in Emporia, KS. This year’s conference began a day earlier to allow for a New Member Orientation the evening of November 6. One of the main programs was “Networking You Way to New Business” led by Brad Hirni. Traditional concurrent Roundtable Discussions were held on the topics of: Marketing, Recruitment, Cooperative Education, Technology and Credentials.

To increase the number attending the luncheon and better accommodate those who could not participate on Friday, this year’s business meeting was held on Thursday. President, Larry Hannah, called the Annual Business Meeting to order. The Treasurer’s Report reflected that a total of $5,287.05 would be carried over from the FY 1995. New membership brochures had been designed and were distributed for membership and recruitment efforts. The Technology Committee was changed from ad hoc to a standing KACSE committee. The site for 1998 was selected and announced – Wichita, KS. The 1997 Conference was announced as taking place at the Holiday Inn in Olathe, KS, closer to KC employers. Jim Akin (K-State) and Jim Henry, (KU), were recognized with a plaque and scrap book of KACSE memories as they approached retirement from career services. Larry Hannah passed the gavel on to Brad Barackman, Personnel Director at Enterprise Rent-A-Car, in Kansas City.

Participants enjoyed Thursday dinner at Noah’s Restaurant, right behind the Holiday Inn – and then attended “Dial M for Murder” at the intimate Emporia Arts Center.

The 1997 Conference was held November 5-7, 1997 at the Holiday Inn in Olathe, KS. The theme was “Breaking the Mold: New Approaches to Career & Employment Services.” There we examined issues from the employer side and connected it to career services. That year we broke the mold in more ways than one! This was certainly a year of change. First of all, the eighty participants broke all past attendance records. Secondly, the New Member Orientation, complete with committee reports and invitations and entertainment by “The Plaids,” was a tremendous success. Sponsored by Sprint, this social event was enjoyed by all. Altogether the KACSE Conference Committee (led by Mike Heuring of KU) gathered about ten to twelve corporate sponsorships and donations from about fourteen member schools. This financial support allowed the Program Planning Committee to offer better meals and breaks throughout the conference as well as bus transportation to the Thursday evening theater performance. A true member recognition program was planned. And excellent door prizes were awarded regularly. Among them were Southwest Airline tickets, a Harley-Davidson leather jacket, Sprint phone cards, and a number of Kansas City Royals’ player autographed baseball memorabilia. Many other prizes were also awarded. Our professional development program also broke the mold. Keynote Speakers included: Jennifer Brooks – Coordinator of Career Services at North Carolina State University’s College of Management - “Building Effective Campus-Corporate Relationships;” An Employer Panel of six, each representing a different organization and industry; and Steve Sayler – Gear for Sports - a presentation on “Economic Change and the National Skill Standards Process.” Two other presentations were made by Alesa Kimble – Emporia State University - “Marketing Cooperative Education Programs to Employers” and by Ann Hartley – KU – “Teacher Interview Day Demonstration.”

The 1997 Annual Business Meeting, with a lunch sponsored by Hallmark Cards, was held on Thursday, November 6. Wynona Haun, Chair of Long-Range Planning, reported that a questionnaire was developed and distributed to employers. From those who responded, Wynona shared that the respondents: (1) most often seek technical skills, goal-orientation, motivation, enthusiasm, and leadership skills; (2) seldom utilize staffing services firms or independent consultants in screening candidates; and (3) are interested in KACSE presenting information on recruitment through the Internet web pages and new ways for students to utilize career centers. Larry Hannah presented the recommended slate of officers for 1997-1998: President-Elect: Brooks Mantooth (Hutchinson Community College); Secretary, Kristen Webb (Koch Industries); Treasurer, and Linda Garlinger (Missouri Western State College). John Kimbrel (Geary County USD #475) announced that the KACSE URL would be moving to the JobTrak web site in the near future.

There was much discussion about whether or not to increase dues and, if so, to what amount. It was decided that members would be asked to vote by mail following the conference so as not to omit input from members not in attendance. The ballot results were to raise dues to $40/year effective 1998-1999.

This year’s member recognition was not limited to recent retirees. Gina Frigault (Avila College), Sherri Gardner Presko (Enterprise Rent-a-Car) and Dan Mueller (Johnson County Community College) served as the Awards & Recognition Committee. Together they planned and coordinated a program to honor seven KACSE members: Mike Heuring – Technology Award and Career Services Member of the Year; Brad Barackman – Employer Member of the Year and outgoing President; Fred Madaus and Tom Hedges – Retirees; and Cherrie Finch – Special Recognition. Cherrie had served KACSE in a number of capacities over the years. In 1997 she went through some life-changing events, one of which was to leave her position as Director of Career Development at Ottawa University. Though neither Cherrie nor either of the retirees was present, this public acknowledgement was certainly due each of them. Three new awards were announced, though this may be changed as the new A&R Committee meets during the year.

Entertainment traditionally planned for Thursday Night included dinner theater at the New Theatre Restaurant in Overland, Park, KS. A number of KACSE members took advantage of the KACSE-sponsored bus ride to the comedy, “Cash on Delivery.” More door prizes were given away during the bus trip!

The 1998 Annual Conference will be held November 4-6 at the Airport Hilton in Wichita, KS. The theme will be “Soaring to New Heights.” Ann Hartley (University of Kansas) will chair the Site Committee that will find a location for the 2000 conference.

On August 11, 1998, KACSE President, Mike Heuring (University of Kansas) resigned via the KACSE listserve stating that he was moving to Montana to accept the position of Director or Career Services at the Universoty of Montana – Missoula. Effective immediately, President-Elect, Brooks Mantooth (Hutchinson Community College), graciously assumed the role of President.

The 1998 annual Conference was held at the Airport Hilton in Wichita, Kansas from November 4-6. The theme, “Soaring to New Heights,” matched the location!

Seventy-eight professionals participated in the conference. Sponsors included ACCK (Bethany, Bethel, KS Wesleyan, McPherson, Sterling and Tabor), Baker University, Butler County Community College, Career Blazers, Cloud County Community College, Emporia State University, Enterprise Rent-A-Car, Fort Hays, Friends University, Hallmark Retail, Hutchinson Community College, Kansas City KS Community College, Kansas State University., Koch Industries Inc., Missouri Western State College, Ottawa University, Pittsburg State University, Rockhurst, Sharp Personnel, University of Kansas, Washburn University, and Wichita State University.

The President’s (Brooks Mantooth, Hutchinson Community College) reception, held on our opening night included wonderful food, fellowship, committee updates, and “pins” awarded for 5- and 10- year members. Five-year pin recipients included: Gloria Campbell, Johnson County Community College; Pam Ehlers, Pittsburg State University; Toni Fink, K-State University-Salina; Tracey Fraser, K-State University; Gina Frigault, Avila College; Phyllis Goldberg, JC Community College; Ann Hartley, University of Kansas; John Kimbrel, USD 475; Jeanette Downs Pettitt, Mid-America Nazarene University; Jill Pletcher, Wichita State University; Marcia Schuley, K-State University; and Toni Weber, Butler County Community College. Ten-year pin recipients included: Linda Garlinger, Missouri Western State College; Larry Hannah, Emporia State University; Wynona Haun, Bethany College; Dan Rice, Fort Hays State University.

Our keynote speakers included Fred Bright, the Vice President of Boeing, who spoke about “The Global University,” and Wichita State University sociology professor, Dr. David Wright, who spoke on “Future Workforce Trends.” The conference included five different breakout discussions as well.

The Awards and Recognition Committee followed the lead of the previous year’s committee. Under the chairmanship of Dan Mueller (JCCC), the committee presented the following awards:

  • President Award: Mike Heuring
  • Retiree Appreciation: Terry Glenn, University of Kansas; and Biz Greene, Rockhurst University
  • Innovative Program Award: Kansas State University for its Web Site Pages
  • Employer Member of the Year: Shannon Hiebert, Enterprise Rent-A-Car
  • Career Services member of the Year: Linda Garlinger, Missouri Western State College
  • Rookie of the Year: David Hogard, Pittsburg State University
  • Chairperson of the Year: Toni Weber, Butler County Community College
  • Bridge Award: Johnson County Community College for its “Career Fair with a Twist.

Entertainment came in the form of a delicious buffet and some hilarious and engaging skits offered at the by the Mosley Street Melodrama cast at the Old Town Theater. A good time was had by all, including by Dan Rice (Fort Hayes State University) who joined the cast on stage for some fun and games that onlookers enjoyed.

As the conference came to a close, the following officers took the reigns of KACE:

  • President-Elect: Russ Everhart (resigned in June 1999), Cap Gemini
  • College Relations Representative: Tim Henderson, K-State
  • Employer Relations: Sherri Presko, Enterprise Rent-A-Car.

Many dedicated committee members who worked hard over the next year to help KACE soar into the future!

Planning soon began for the fall 1999 conference scheduled to take place at the Kansas City Downtown Marriott from November 3-5, 1999.

Jazz’n Up KACE” was the theme of the1999 annual KACE Conference held in the heart of downtown Kansas City. With the summer 1999 resignation of president – elect, Russ Everhart, who initially served as the Conference Planning Committee chairperson, Gina Frigault (Avila College) and Linda Garlinger (Missouri Western State College) co-chaired the conference. Valuable committee members included: Gloria Campbell (Johnson County Community College), Eva Durand (Baker University), Tracey Fraser (K-State University), Connie Hayes (Ottawa University), Annette Haynes (UMKC), and Janette Jobe Ward (Enterprise Rent-A-Car). Late, but also valuable additions included: Sandi Dale (Saint Mary College), Becky Gilmore (Missouri Western State College), and Kelley Pascuzzi (Mass Mutual – The Mullinix Agency). Corporate sponsors who helped to make this event possible included: Enterprise Rent-A-Car, Sprint, Missouri State Highway Patrol, Garmin International, and Mass Mutual – The Mullinix Agency. Eleven colleges and universities also provided funding aside from their registration fees. Many others provided door prizes and conference packet “freebies,” and KACE offered one free 2000 conference registration to one lucky attendee. A total of 41 supported the conference through funding or in-kind giving.

Held in the Muehlbach Tower of the Downtown Kansas City Marriott, the conference began on November 3 with registration as well as a showcase of employers, products, career services, and college programs (about 12 vendors). In the evening, attendees enjoyed the President’s welcome and Kansas City Sampler. The sampler included something for everyone! There was a great spread of food along with funny money casino games, mascots Sluggerrr and KC Wolf, and entertainment by the Baker University Jazz Band Combo. And who can forget the cow built of Gateway boxes? It was quite a sight! About sixty attendees enjoyed the evening merriment. About 107 people in all, participated in at least part of this KACE conference!

Though a variety of keynotes and sessions were offered, two of the most popular sessions seemed to be: “Re-engineering a Career Center: Turning it Upside Down and Inside Out,” presented by Amjad Ayoubi from Oklahoma State University; and “Humor in the Workplace,” presented by Dr. Tim Crowley, counselor at Missouri Western State University.

In addition to great entertainment offered on Wednesday evening, there was a true Kansas City tradition planned for Thursday night. A tasty barbeque meal was provided at The American Royal on Thursday. Dinner was followed by a short walk to 100th anniversary rodeo and musical entertainment by a country & western band. Kudos go to Janette Jobe Ward who planned the evening.

Awards presented during a conference luncheon were as follows:

  • Employer Member of the Year: Kelley Pascuzzi, Mass Mutual – The Mullinix Agency
  • Career Services Member of the Year: Gina Frigault (Avila College)
  • The Brad Barackman Bridge Award: Brad Barackman, Enterprise Rent-A-Car
  • Innovative Program: John Kimbrel, USD 475 for Standardized teacher application form in Kansas
  • Rookie of the Year: Caroline Fox, Washburn University

Retiree, Wynona Haun (Bethel College), was not in attendance, but was to be recognized and should have received her plaque soon after the conference.

On November 5, 1999 KACE held its annual Business Meeting called to order by Linda Garlinger (Missouri Western State College) who assumed the role since President Brooks Mantooth was unable to attend the conference. No treasurer’s report was offered. New business included two suggestions. The first was to begin offering mini sessions throughout the year in order to provide more ongoing interaction and professional development opportunities. The second was to consider consolidating some of the KACE committees in an effort to better meet KACE’s needs and effectively make use of volunteer efforts.

The new slate of officers included: President: Linda Garlinger President-Elect: Janette Jobe Ward Secretary: Pam Ehlers Treasurer: Sandi Dale College Relations: Tim Henderson Employer Relations: Matt Molli

The 2000 conference committee began to meet soon after the conference ended to plan “Capitolze on Your Future” to be held in Topeka, November 1-3, 2000.


1965 Manhattan

1966 Salina- Arthur Gathman

1967 Ottawa- Boyd King

1968 Lawrence- Sister Madalita

1969 Pittsburg- Jim Akin

1970 Manhattan- Bill Robey

1971 Lincoln, NE- Richard Osborne

1972 Hays- Richard Osborne

1973 Wichita

1974 Salina - Beulah Mullen

1975 Lawrence- Dorothy Bernard

1976 McPherson- Bob Tracy

1977 Wichita- Diane Nyberg

1978 Lindsborg- Richard Osborne

1979 Pittsburg- Joel Woodard

1980 Emporia - David Kraus

1981 Wichita- Terry Glenn

1982 Wichita- Ken Gleason

1983 Wichita - Bob Jenkins

1984 Wichita- Diane Nyberg

1985 Topeka - Fred Madaus

1986 Wichita- Bernie Cummins

1987 Emporia- Sandy Bartkowski

1988 Salina- Margaret Gilliland

1989 Wichita- James Aubuchon

1990 Topeka- Star Gipson

1991 Lindsborg - Julie Cunningham

1992 Manhattan- Rick Johnson

1993 Lawrence- Cherrie Finch

1994 Hesston - Tracey Fraser

1995 Hutchinson- Tom Hedges

1996 Emporia- Larry Hannah

1997 Olathe- Brad Barackman

1998 Wichita- Mike Heuring

1999 Kansas City- Brooks Mantooth

2000 Topeka

2001 Kansas City, MO (Four Points Barcelo Hotel) - Annette Haynes (UMKC)

2002 Wichita (Hyatt Regency) - Gina Frigault (Avila)

2003 Overland Park (Doubletree Hotel) - Brian Chaput (Enterprise Rent-a-Car)

2004 Topeka (Capital Plaza Hotel) - Ann Hartley (KU)

2005 Kansas City, KS (Great Wolf Lodge) - B.B. Stotts (Pittsburg State)

2006 Wichita (Hyatt Regency) - Ashley Kennyhurz (KU)

2007 Overland Park (Marriott) - Jill Pletcher (Wichita State)

2008 Topeka (Capital Plaza Hotel) - Jennifer Mehnert (Garmin International)

2009 Kansas City, KS (Holiday Inn on the Plaza) - Jolene Phillips (KU)

2010 Wichita - (Hilton Garden Inn) - Wendy Shoemaker (KU)

2011 Overland Park (Johnson County Community College) - Dr. Jessica Ohman (Wichita Area Tech)

2012 Topeka (Capital Plaza Hotel) - Susan Wade (Baker)

2013 Overland Park (KU Edwards Campus)- LeAnn Cunningham (JCCC)

2014 Manhattan (K-State Alumni Center) - June Coleman (Emporia)

2015 Overland Park (Johnson County Community College) - Kent McAnally (Washburn)

2016 Lawrence (Oread Hotel) - David Hogard (Pittsburg State)

2017 Kansas City (Argosy Casino Hotel and Spa) - Erin Wolfram (KU)

2018 Wichita (Hotel at Old Town) - Dana Nordyke (KSU)

2019 Kansas City, MO (Kauffman Foundation Conference Center) - Gary Handy (Baker)

2020 Manhattan (Hilton Garden Inn) - Ashley Kruger (KU) (moved to virtual due to global pandemic)

2021 Manhattan (K-State Student Union) - Mako Miller (Kauffman Scholars) (in-person and virtual)

2022 Kansas City, MO (Metropolitan Community College - Penn Valley Campus) - Ryan Horsch (Emporia State)

2023 Wichita, KS (Drury Plaza Hotel Broadview) -  Katie Huelskamp (Koch Industries) 

2024 Overland Park, KS (Johnson County Community College) - Joel Ewy (Emporia State) 

August 4, 1989: James N. Akin March 29, 1990 update: Terry Glenn & Jim Akin September 17, 1991 update: Jim Akin October 18, 1993 update: Terry Glenn, Linda Garlinger, Bill Glennen November 9, 2007 update: Gina Frigault

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